The festive season is upon us, and if you are like most businesses, you will be using your telephony system to spread the festive spirit.
A professionally recorded greeting can help create an enjoyable festive season for your clients. To ensure that your message gets through to your audience, it should be audible and professional-sounding.
What information you should include in your festive voicemail greeting:
– The period during which your company is either closed or works with different business hours.
– When exactly it will reopen or go back to the usual working hours.
– Ask your callers to visit your website if you have added more details about your festive working time.
– The golden rule that applies to any business greeting message is – Be concise. The callers should access the information they need fast.
– That way, you can be sure they will make the effort to call again.
There are two options available for businesses with a cloud or on-site phone system. You can record the greeting yourself, or you can use a voice-over artist with a euphonious voice to give it that professional touch.
Script sample for your festive message:
Greetings! You have reached [company’s name]. We will be closed for the festive season from X date till X day. Reopen on X Date with the usual working time of X hours until X hrs. In case of emergency, please contact our colleague on the phone [telephone number] or at email [email address]. Thank you for understanding, and Happy Holidays!
Set your greeting for the festive season. Hurry up, and book your spot today!
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